The Weiner hype/scandal is yet another bewildering case of the
pathetic notion that passes in this country for morality, what is
offensive to our sensitivities and what needs to be punished as
The naked body is surely offensive and indecent,
that we've known...Unless, of course, you can make millions marketing
it as a perversion, then it's ok. The same seems to apply to an
individual's "non-profit" sexual projects, like talking, or sharing
their own ideas and images related to fucking with other consenting
adults, if some capitalist pig somewhere is not making millions selling
it to children and the repressed masses, then neither the public display
of the naked body nor the open manifestations of human sexuality are
decent and must, therefore, be punished...
Yet, fabricated
wars for capitalist profit that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent
human beings are not deemed indecent (BTW, people who love and feel, and
cry and laugh just like us, not some sort of alien dark skinned
sub-specie that somehow suffers less than you); neither is deemed
indecent the denial of comprehensive support for the unemployed and
struggling families while we still manage to give away trillions in
corporate welfare; nor are the policies that destroy mother nature to
secure those same corporate profits; nor allowing for financial
institutions to steal the future of millions of working class families
with impunity, or the selling of lies and violence to our own children
to make them good little slaves instead of providing them with decent
public schools where they could learn to think for themselves; or our
collective shameless apathy in the face of all these brutal injustices
and crimes...those are the real fucking indecencies, the real naked
truths we should be ashamed of...Not Weiner's wiener, for fucks sake!
severe punishment of the political class is indeed long overdue...and
maybe this guy too would need to spend a few years of hard labor at a
re-education camp of the people's choice, but for partaking in all of
the above REAL and truly egregious crimes against humanity, not for
showing his dick on the internet to what thus far appears to be other
consenting adults.
Over and out...
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