April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding: The Criminal Spectacle of a Parasitical Class

Working Class Granny says: Fuck the Royal Wedding!

Everyone ready to shed some tears of joy for the newlyweds?  

How about for the affront this pathetic and costly charade represents against every notion of social, political and economic justice?  

Pick your tears…

Even for an imperialist, militaristic country that has turned the hypocritical promotion of two-faced democratic principles around the world into a science, this open advertisement of its parasitical hereditary monarchy in the XXI century and in the worst economic crisis the country has suffered since WWII, is simply surreally shameful.
Adding insult to injury, the extravagant wedding ceremony’s cost, to the beat of $ 48 million, is expected to be paid for by British taxpayers. $48 million on top of the other 80 million a year they have to dish out to maintain that army of royal inbred parasites living in luxury on their backs. These same taxpayers are being told by their government that severe cuts in social services and public spending are inevitable in order to ride out the nation’s economic crisis

Pretending that this wedding is an innocent temporary fairy tale distraction to an otherwise harsh global reality, is simply blinding oneself to the facts of how socially, politically and economically offensive this spectacle really is. The costs and adulation of William and Kate’s wedding  is as much an insult against the working people of Great Britain, as the very continued existence of royalty and monarchies are an insult to XXI century humanity.

Written by and


  1. The great royal debate: do we hang them, or shoot them?

  2. Brilliant, only person to say what should actually be said. The BBc are swooning to the point of making me vomit.

  3. The BBC and the rest of the corporate media...The hype to make this into a mass spectacle filled with fabricated emotion is brutal...
